Breaking News! I will be back on stage in the role of Beth Lipton in "PAST PERFECT" by Rita Lewis. I will be joining my extremely talented castmates for a five month journey with 100% ticket sales supporting different LGBT organizations. January's  benefit will be for the LGBT National Help Center. This is a beautiful, funny and moving play about how love is love is love. I am beyond thrilled to be part of this project that is supporting such an amazing cause!!!  

Please check out the sound bite from our talk back after our premiere show back in October 2017! Located under my press Page!  xo J

 Appearing Courtesy of Actor’s Equity Association

Past Perfect Press Release for Jan 2018 Benefit.jpeg

I will be *APPEARING COURTESY OF ACTORS EQUITY as Beth Lipton in a beautiful new play called PAST PERFECT by Rita Lewis. I am thrilled to be part of this project!! Information below! xo J


I will be bringing back my many characters in the original comedy show about dating called THE MATCH GAME by Ken Wolf. It is hysterical! Come join us for some fun!  xo J

Appearing Courtesy of Actor’s Equity Association